The composer of Resurrection, Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), was born in Kalischt, Bohemia. His symphonies are long, lasting an hour or more, and the most sources of his symphony were Vienna folk music. Giant, Resurrection and Song of the Earth are his Masterpieces. The Symphony No.2 in C minor, Resurrection, was Mahler’s most popular and successful work during his lifetime.

European Union Youth Orchestra which was established in 1978 is a training orchestra for young people in the European Union. It is funded centrally by the European Union and by a number of EU member states. It brings together young and talented musicians from the EU and internationally proclaimed professors to form an internationally renowned orchestra. The 140 artists of EUYO are all selected by rigorous auditions attracting more than 4,000 of the most gifted young musicians in Europe. Applicants must be aged between 14 and 24 years and are recruited for a period of 12 months after which they must re-audition if they wish to continue in the orchestra.
Vladimir Ashkenazy