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Rocks, Mountains and Trees

Updated: 2015-04-15 10:01:07

( meetinbeijing.org.cn )

The culture of nature in the art world

Qiu Anxiong, Ricard Chiang, Yang Xinguang

Instituto Cervantes Beijing

27 April-20 September, 2015

Opening: 27 April, 18:30

With the collaboration of: Boers-Li Gallery, Casa Asia, Institut d´Estudis Baleàrics, Embajada de España en China

In this exhibition, image-making (Qiu Anxiong) and object-making (Yang Xinguang) or drawing and painting (Ricard Chiang) not only reveal information about the relation between art and nature, but try to stimulate dialogue and engage, energize and activate new encounters among art and nature, increasing lived and relational Aesthetics.

Chinese Landscape classic painting is a devise that goes over the work of the three artists in different ways, but always on the basis of its cultural origin and their intention to deal with the past and present of the representational value attached to their self-imaginary of Nature. The theme is nature and art, but it is not merely about the relationship between the single scenes from ancient landscape painting and the current hermeneutics through which it would be elective to find out an instrument to understand the new art forms related to nature.

This project, curated by Menene Grass, wants to embrace a more general topic bringing up the need of exploring the meaning of this presence of nature in the visual arts and how it can be envisioned through the above quoted dialogue among three artists whose work deals with the relation between the human being and Nature, the eye and the landscape, and the experience of space as well as its perception in nature.

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