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Join us! Share the beauty of Asian arts and culture

Updated: 2015-06-24 16:00:30

( Chinaculture.org )

Does Asian art capture your eye? Do you find yourself intrigued by Asian culture? Join us for the 14th Asia Arts Festival "Just Share it" contest!

The Ministry of Culture now invites contestants from across the globe to participate in a photography and video contest centered on exploring the beauty of Asian arts and culture.

Anyone with an interest in Asian culture and arts is invited to share "Asia's beauty" on social media sites to enter the contest. The contest lasts about four months, starting from early July to October 10th (the last day to submit work.)

The top three winners will be able to attend the opening ceremony of the 14th Asia Arts Festival, and will also receive a round trip ticket to Quanzhou and an insider's tour of a city that has a rich history as the starting point of the Silk Road.

Winners will be selected through both Internet users' votes and experts' evaluations from China Daily and China Photographers' Association. The online poll will account for 40% of the final score report and the expert opinion will account for 60%.

Works will be displayed on chinadaily.com.cn and Chinaculture.org. Winners will be announced by November 1.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Asia Arts Festival is the first international arts festival hosted by China. Since its launch in Beijing in 1998, 13 festivals have been held in different cities in the country. The 14th Asia Arts Festival will kick off in Quanzhou, Fujian province, in November.

The Asia Arts Festival has become a renowned medium for foreign cultural exchange. This event is marked with growing anticipation, expanding variation in colorful creations, and a significant purpose in spreading Asian culture and appreciation. So "just share it" if you'd like to be part of this impactful event!



  据悉,此次征集活动总周期约为三个月,从7月1日开始,截至10月10日停止征集。之后主办方将汇总所有参赛作品后邀请网友进行投票,最终结果将在10 月底结合投票情况和专家评审团评分,从图片、视频两个类别中,共选出三名优胜奖。获奖者将受邀参加第14届亚洲艺术节开幕式,参与亚洲艺术节系列活动,感受多姿多彩的亚洲艺术,开启东亚文化之都、海上丝绸之路起点泉州的文化之旅。



        参赛者可将作品直接投递至征集活动官方邮箱 contest@chinadaily.com.cn,或将视频作品在第三方视频网站上发布的链接发至该邮箱;或可将作品提交至中国文化网脸书主页中创建的活动区域Just Share It- Explore the Beauty of Asian Arts and Culture;还可将作品直接上传至中国日报网英文论坛


        详情请登陆征集活动官方网站: http://www.chinaculture.org/beautyofasia.html

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