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Updated: 2017-05-09 17:34:49

( Chinaculture.org )

作为2017渥太华欢乐春节和加庆祝建国150周年重点项目,渥太华(北美洲)首届冰上龙舟节于2017年2月17、18日在Dow's Lake 成功举行,来自加本国及美国的60支龙舟队参赛,约有十万观众观赛,CBC脸书点播量近400万。[摄影:陈勇卫]

The First Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival, joined by 60 teams and 10 thousand spectators, took place at Dow's Lake on February 17 and 18, 2017. The boat race also received nearly 4 million hits onthe Facebook pageof the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. [Photo by Chen Yongwei]

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