At the beginning of 2017, a nine-minute short animation titled Love Sick engulfed the internet. Since its initial release on December 23, the animation has already reached 100 million hits within ten days on Chinese social media platforms, including, and Bilibili.
China Post Group Co will release a new set of rooster-themed stamps to celebrate the Year of the Rooster based on the Chinese zodiac.
It's time to make our New Year's resolutions-but how many of us will follow through? Xing Yi asked a group of students about their hopes for 2017.
Here are 10 cultural relics from the Palace Museum that bear the ten most popular colors for this year.
In many people's eyes, 23 year-old Chang Yangyang is unusual compared to his peers. He always stays at home, paints flowers, cuts paper and carries a small pair of scissors in his pocket wherever he goes.