Xiamen Little White Egret Folk Dance Ensemble |
Representative works of the Dance Ensemble include pes de deux Fish Fun, dance suite The Yellow River; group dance Plateau Clouds; solo dance hero Shows Young and etc.
The Folk Dance Ensemble has paid visits to the United States, Singapore, the Philippine, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, France, Italy as well as Hong Kong region, where they were all warmly welcomed and highly praised by the local audiences.
The Folk Dance Ensemble has won several awards in national competitions. For instance, Yuan Li was listed in the Ten Best in the 3rdTaoli Cup National Dance Competition for Art Schools and Colleges. In 1993, the Ensemble won the first prize -- the Gold Rose Award in the competition of Shenyang International Yangge Dance Festival. In the 4thTaoli Cup National Dance Competition in 1994, Jiang Jingyi won the First Prize and Su Xuebing was put into the Eight Best list. In 1996, the Ensemble produced 6 new performances to attend the 2ndFujian Dance Competition, where it seized 11 awards. In early 1998, Chen Fenghui and Lin Naizhen participated in the Fujian Young and Mid-Aged Dancer's Contest and brought back two gold medals. In June the same years, the Ensemble went to Beijing for the First Lotus Cup National Dance Competition of the Chinese Literature and Art Association, when its group dance Red in the East was awarded a silver prize. In August, group dance Plateau Clouds won the highest art award of the Fujian Provincial Government -- the First Prize of the Hundred Flower Award. In the 4thNaitonal Dance Competition, Yuan Li and Lin Naizhen got the First Prize and Good Performance Award respectively.
Address: China Holiday Camp, Zengcuoan, Xiamen, Fujian Province
Post code: 361005
Tel: (0592) 2510376
Fax: (0592) 2510391