

The Sharing China - Happy Chinese New Year Contest 2020 is calling for entries from all over the world!
Regardless of whether you are a professional or an amateur, or even who you are or where you are from, you are welcome to send us photos of memorable moments from Chinese New Year celebrations.
Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival for Chinese people. Grand celebrations take place all over the world during the festive days, with traditions passed down over centuries, such as family reunions, New Year fireworks, temple fairs and performances, as well as enjoying dumplings and local delicacy feasts.

Awards and Prizes


The contest will select 100 photos (single or group).

★ First prize: 10 photos (single or group), with 3,000 RMB in prize money for each winner

★ Second prize: 30 photos (single or group), with 2,000 RMB in prize money for each winner

★ Third prize: 60 photos (single or group), with 1,000 RMB in prize money for each winner





The organizer will deduct any tax on the award money and pay the authorities on behalf of the winners.




Starting December 20, 2019

Submission deadline: February 29, 2020


Who can submit


Anyone is welcome to submit photos of wonderful moments from Chinese New Year celebrations, regardless of whether you are a professional or amateur, or even who you are or where you are from.


The rules


1. All photos of Chinese New Year celebrations are welcome. Suggested themes include:

(1) Traditional customs, such as paying respects to ancestors, cleaning the house and New Year's Eve dinner.

(2) Modern customs and new trends, such as the Spring Festival travel rush, giving out or receiving mobile red envelopes, or traveling.

(3) Folk activities, such as dragon dances, lion dances, yangko dances, folk theatrical art or local folk customs.

(4) Foreigners experiencing Spring Festival, celebrations around the world or anything that reflects the integration of the festival and local life.

2. All entries must be real and not doctored or photo edited. The tone and color of the image may be slightly adjusted. Composition and clipping are allowed.

3. Entries should be in JPG or JPEG format with a resolution of 300 dpi, no less than 2 MB, with the length no less than 3,000 pixels.

4. Entries can be single photos or a series of photos. A series of photos counts as one entry and each series may contain four to ten photos.

5. Entries should have titles and a short photo description (such as time, place and people in the photo). Please provide a personal email account and a phone number so that we may contact you.










Submit your entries here


Hosts and Organizers


Host:The Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

Organizers:Centre of International Cultural Exchange,


Supported by China Photographers Association and Sina Photo





Interact with us on Facebook


You can submit your entries to China Culture's Facebook, see others’ works and interact with us.

China Culture’s Facebook: .

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1. The entries should not contain any pornography, violence or reactionary elements and should obey the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

2. The author owns the copyright and enjoys the right of authorship of the entries. Once the entries are submitted to the contest, it means that the author has agreed that the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China has the right to use their works in other cultural activities or cultural products, such as exhibitions, screenings, publications, posters and photo album designs. The host also has the right to recommend the works to related media and will not pay the author for use.

3. All participants should guarantee their ownership of copyright for the entries, or that they have the right to authorize the entries' use in competitions, promotions and screenings. The author(s) should promise that all legal responsibilities and economic losses shall be borne by himself (themselves), including but not limited to results of the products' infringement of intellectual property, portrait rights and reputation rights, defamation and other violations of laws and regulations.

4. All applicants should ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the filed content in the application form. The organizing committee will not be responsible for any errors or misunderstandings caused by incorrect, incomplete or inauthentic filings.

5. All submitted entries will not be returned. Please create backups beforehand.

6. Once the winning entries are announced, the organizing committee will contact winners for their personal information and bank information to send remuneration; if the participant refuses to provide personal and bank information, or does not provide the requested information within the stipulated time, the winner will be disqualified.

7. Entries that don't meet the requirements above will be disqualified.

8. By submitting an entry to take part in the contest, the participant agrees to accept these rules.

9. The hosts have the right of final interpretation of the rules.

1. 作品不得含有色情、暴力及反动因素,不得与中华人民共和国法律相抵触。

2. 作品的著作权属于摄影作者,但每位投稿者在投稿的同时即被视为已明确同意,作品使用权归中华人民共和国文化和旅游部国际交流与合作局所有,作者享有署名权,主办方有权将所有入选作品的图片及文字说明录入外宣图片展览资源库,在其文化宣传及文化宣传用品开发等活动中永久使用,如制作展览、出版图书、印制海报和画册等,并可推荐相关媒体发表,不再另付稿酬,不再通知摄影作者。

3. 所有投稿作品著作权、与作品相关的肖像权、名誉权等法律问题,由作者自行解决并承担责任。主办方不承担因投稿作品所致的包括但不限于肖像权、名誉权、隐私权、著作权等纠纷而产生的法律责任。

4. 凡不符合征集要求的作品,一经发现将一律取消参评资格。

5. 投稿人需保证所填写报名表格内一切信息如实、正确,若因错填、漏填或信息不实所造成的传播错误,组委会将不承担责任。

6. 投稿作品恕不退还,请作者自行做好备份。

7. 作者在接到入选通知后,主办方将联系作者提供银行账号信息以便发放稿酬,如入选者拒不提供视为主动放弃稿酬。

8. 凡报名参加2020年乐享中国——欢乐春节摄影征集活动,即被视为承认并接受本规则。

9. 本次活动的解释权归主办单位所有。

