Updated: 2021-03-12 10:19
( Chinaculture.org )

According to the Agreement on Mutual Establishment of Cultural Centers between China and Spain, the China Cultural Center in Madrid was established in 2005. It is the fourth of its kind in Europe and one of the largest.
The center covers a total area of 1,306 square meters and a building area of 2,400 square meters, consisting of a courtyard with buildings in front and behind. The center boasts an exhibition hall, art gallery, library, audio room, dance studio, multifunction hall and a Chinese teahouse.
Serving as a platform of cultural exchanges for Spanish people the center also hosts events in partnership with local institutes aiming to promote mutual understanding between the countries.
Tel: 0034-917820000
Fax: 0034-917820082
E-mail: cccmad@culturalink.gov.cn
Website: http://www.ccchinamadrid.org/es/