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Mongolian Medicine and Iatrology


Mongolian Iatrology

Based on traditional medical experiences gathered by the Mongolian people in fighting against diseases and under the influence and direction of simple materialism and dialectic, Mongolian iatrology absorbed parts of basic Tibetan and Indian medical theories as well as the Han iatrological knowledge and came to form its own unique iatrology.

Mongolian iatrology treats the human body as an organic whole and studies the internal body connection macroscopically, therefore clarifying the basic rule of life function. In clinic, it mainly diagnoses the patient via the methods of comprehension, analysis, and judgment.

The remarkable characteristics of Mongolian iatrology are that it is a macrocosm directed byYin and Yang(opposite principles or forces existing in nature and human affairs), the five-element philosophy, and the dialectical treatment for six causes of diseases.

Mongolian iatrology points out definitely that the disease itself is the intrinsic factor and the pathogenesis (the disease's development) is the exogenous factor. The basic reason of pathogenesis is that when the intrinsic factor loses its balance, the disease occurs. Intrinsic factor is not only the energy and material base for life functions but also the underlying factor for all diseases.

Mongolian iatrology suggests that life is a comprehensive complex action process. Each part of the inner digestive system and the sensory organs will affect other parts or even the whole, causing unbalance, function obstruction, and a series of symptoms as results. Therefore, in the process of diagnosis and treatment, to analyze all parts dialectically instead of focusing on the appearance is the only way to achieve an appropriate result.

Mongolian Medicine

There are a large variety of medicines and abundant medicine resources, with most of the medicines being herbs. According to an account of documents, there are 2,351 kinds of seed plants and pteridophytes (flower plants) inInner Mongoliaof North China.

There are over 450 kinds of medicinal herbs commonly in use, of which Mongolian doctors specially use 260 kinds. For instance, Guangzao (Fructus Choerospondiatis) is used to cure palpitation and angina pectoris (chest pain). Shaji (Hippophae rhamnoides L) is used to reduce phlegm, relieve cough, eliminate stasis (stoppage of any bodily fluid), and improve blood circulation. Modern scientific researches have proved the two medicines' reliable effectiveness.

Editor: MetalAllen


