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Language Corner: Getting a Driver’s License

2013-01-09 11:05:10

(China Today)


New Words
1. 开车  kāichē drive
2. 驾照 jiàzhào driver’s license
3. 建议 jiànyì advice
4. 驾校 jiàxiào driving school
5. 报名 bàomíng sign up
6. 交通规则 jiāotōng guīzé traffic regulations
7. 培训 péixùn training
8. 功夫 gōngfu effort
9. 大概 dàgài about


The aspectual particle 了 is suffixed to the verb, indicating completion of an action.

For example:


Wǒ zài Zhōngguó kǎole jiàzhào.

I got my driver’s license in China.

Exercise: Put the following sentences in the right order adding 了

For example: 珍妮 小说 买 一本

Zhēnnī xiǎoshuō mǎi yìběn

Jenny novel buy a


Zhēnnī mǎile yìběn xiǎoshuō.

Jenny bought a novel.

1. 弟弟 牛奶 一杯 喝

Dìdi niúnǎi yìbēi hē

Brother milk a glass of drink

2.卡洛琳 去 学校 已经

Kǎluòlín qù xuéxiào yǐjīng

Caroline go school already

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