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Getting a hot-stone massage in summer

2013-07-31 10:15:01

(China Daily)


Hot-stone therapy is helpful to cure ailments such as back pain and arthritis.
Several traditional therapies have embraced hot rocks for their potentially restorative powers, and spas are taking advantage of the trend, Wang Hongyi reports in Shanghai.

The summer's sizzle has already made people around the country sweaty and restless. While people are longing for the end of these hot days, experts suggest summer is the best season to discharge your body's toxins and recover your energy. According to traditional Chinese medicine, summer is the season of yang, a time when the body undergoes vigorous metabolic or body-energy processes. The yang energy is the power for viscera, integral to the function of various organs. "Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the harmony between people, environment and season. People can take advantage of this time to improve their health, and make a good preparation for next winter," says Zhang Chaoming, a TCM expert from Shanghai Landseed International Hospital.

One popular option is hot-stone massage.

Therapists use smooth, heated stones, usually basalt or river rocks, to massage certain area of the body, or place them on key points of the anatomy.

"The warmth of the hot stones will improve blood circulation and also help relax muscles, while sweating is also believed to be good for discharging the body's toxins," Zhang explains.

The therapy is gaining wide popularity among white-collar workers, who have jobs in cool air-conditioned rooms, says Fei Fei, who works with Rubis Spa in Shanghai.

She says the hot-stone therapy can be used to cure many ailments, such as back pain, osteoarthritis and arthritis pain.

Using hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times, but the modern revival of hot-stone massage is generally credited to Mary Nelson, a native of Tucson, Arizona, whose trademarked "LaStone Therapy" has a Native American spiritual component.

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