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10 Of the most reliable herbs

2014-07-16 16:13:16




Even the most experienced and skilled herbalist in the world probably couldn’t name off every single herb that can be used in alternative health remedies.

Herbalism is thousands of years old and the potential uses of any particular herb are numerous.

With so many herbs out there, there are bound to be herbs that do not really have the health benefits that the herbalists promise.

However, these ten herbs are the most researched herbs in the world. Your health is safe with these herbs.


Garlic is a powerful antioxidant-rich herb with a large variety of uses in cooking. Garlic is used very frequently by Italians and the Italian lifespan is partially attributed to this herb.

Plenty of research has been done to show that garlic lowers the incidence and also risks of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Garlic is also great for the liver.


Hawthorn is one of the most commonly recommended herbs. Hawthorn is almost a twin of garlic in its benefits. Hawthorn is great for the heart and effectively lowers blood pressure.

Ginkgo biloba

The quest for an herb that boosts mental power is ongoing, and none of the herbs researched have been clinically proven to boost mental power except for Ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba has been proven to boost visual acuity. Ginkgo biloba is most effective in fighting neurodegenerative disorders that occur among the elderly.

Ginkgo biloba has also been proven to fight vertigo, tinnitus, inner ear disturbances, memory impairment, ability to concentrate, anxiety, depression, neurological disorders, senility, circulatory disorders, edema and Raynaud’s disease.

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