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Develpment of Pottery Craft


Apart from the world-famous Jindezhen pottery, China witnesses a host of ceramic reassures: the age long blue glazed porcelain of Longquan in Zhejiang province, the white glaze porcelain of Dehua in Fujian province, the red stoneware of Yixing in Jiangsu province, the thick color-glaze "jun" pottery in Taiwan and Guangdong, the embossed enamelware in Shanxi province, the painted black-glaze porcelain in Hebei and Henan provinces, the incised glaze earthenware of Jieshou in Anhui province, the crimson earthenware of Zibo in Shandong province, the green-glazed earthenware of Tongguan in Hunan province, the hollowed out glaze earthenware and plain earthenware of Congning and Rongchang in Sichan province, and the natural color earthenware of Jianshui in Yunnan province and Transship in Gansu province, all of which have their special styles and properties.

To sum up, Chinese porcelain articles are no only practical vessels, but also possess very high aesthetic value with regard to their forms, coloring and decorative art. They integrate perfectly practicality and aesthetics, technology and art.


Editor: Shi Liwei

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