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  Created in China>Oriental Classics>Inheritance>Architecture
Architecture and Popular Chinese beliefs


(5) Masters

The ancient Chinese people believed in the indestructibility of the soul, and often deified people of outstanding merit after their deaths.

Confucius Templein Beijing

Confuciuswas worshipped as the spiritual master of the intellectuals of ancient China. Next to every school was a temple dedicated to the Master. These Confucius Temples, also called Temples of Culture, served as spiritual centers for two millennia of Chinese scholars. The common people also had temples dedicated to Confucius, known as Scholar Temples.

Guandi Temple, Xiezhou,Shanxi Province

Guan Yu, who lived from 169 to 219, was a great military commander of the lateHan Dynasty(206BC-220AD). Because of his valor and loyalty, he was deified by later generations as the God of War. In ancient China, Guandi temples dedicated to Guan Yu were even more common than Confucius temples. Interestingly enough, due to Guan Yu's honesty, integrity, and lack of greed, he was also worshipped as the guardian of commerce.

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