Jade Mountain of Dayu, the flood fighter, put flood in control
Jade production is a complicated process involving material selection, design of the pattern, grinding and polishing. The principal jade objects include jewelry, handicrafts and miniature landscapes. Jade handicrafts include jade figurines of court ladies, children, old men and Buddhas, jade flowers and birds, animals Such as horses, elephants, oxen, sheep, lions,tigersanddragons, and utensils such as pots and vases.
Jades are mostly produced inBeijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,YangzhouofJiangsu ProvinceandLiaoning Province, and jade wares made in different places have different appearances and styles. Beijing jade wares are bold, elegant and dignified. Shanghai jade wares are made in imitation of ancient stylebronzeware. Guangzhou jade wares absorbed many Western artistic techniques and look fresh, natural and unrestrained. Yangzhou jade wares have fluid lines and a transparent quality. The jade making skills of all these regions have been handed down for many generations and have formed their distinct characteristics overtime.