The differences between Zhe merchants and traditional merchants groups
What were the differences between Zhe merchants and traditional merchants groups such as Shanxi, Hui, and Chao merchants? In history, Zhe merchants played the role of both cooperators and competitors for other traditional merchants groups. They learned from other merchants groups, while retaining their uniqueness.
First of all, both Shanxi and Hui merchants had a close relationship with the government, which ensured their prosperity on one hand, while also creating restrictions for their further development on the other hand. However, Zhe merchants were totally self-dependent. They were able to choose their own direction of development. As a result, they benefited a lot from their innovation in the business sector.
The second difference lied in the ability of industrial development. Shanxi merchants succeeded in accumulating both commercial and financial capital, yet there was no transformation into industrial capital. Hui merchants did not set foot in the industrial investment either. On the contrary, the regional economic development in Zheijiang could be viewed as a "cluster economy," an industrial economy characterized by a high level of labor division.
Zhe merchants and their pragmatic view

Huang Zongxi, the representative of Eastern Zhejiang School
The "Eastern Zhejiang School" is one of the most influential schools in the history of Zhejiang. People of this school believe that people should extend knowledge into practical use, whether in ruling a country or in daily life. Taking shape in the earlyQing Dynasty(1644-1911), the school's pragmatic ideas and beliefs have become a tradition for Zhejiang people.
Most of Zhejiang merchants are utilitarian. For instance, Ningbo merchants attach great importance to individual ability and self-promotion, to take in useful information and knowledge. As a result, Zhejiang merchants, represented by Bao Yugang, the leader in the modern shipping industry, also invest a lot in education.