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Shanghai Museum: Example of China's new goal for more museums

2013-01-24 17:28:11



Chen Xiejun, president of Shanghai Museum, said, “For the Shanghai Museum, we conduct our work in three aspects. First of all, we have more collections every year. That’s essential for a museum. And second, we have enhanced our research in academic fields. We also hold social responsibilities. We held more than 200 free lectures last year. Those are our principles to become better.”

The Shanghai Museum doesn’t charge admission, similar to 80 other museums in the city, including the newly opened China Art Museum and the Power Station of Art where some of the best artworks in the country are on display. Other museums with specific themes, such as science and technology, history, and even musical instruments or glass, also attract many people in Shanghai.

Chen said, “Shanghai has become more and more international and diversified, and the city is more civilized. Museums in the city attract visitors by their displays and events. Through those exhibitions, the city’s museum culture is cultivated.”

Officials say the city’s more than 120 museums attracted more than 12 million visitors last year, and they expect the number to further rise this year. While Shanghai has done a better job than almost any other mainland city at building museums, it still lags behind many other international cities. Officials say in the United States and France, there is one museum for every 30,000 people, seven times the number in Shanghai.

Shanghai’s cultural authorities say they will offer more financial and promotional support to museums in the city. And they will also encourage private businesses to help local museums develop, and even build new museums. International cooperation also continues, as the Shanghai Museum will send some of its collections to France, New Zealand and the United States this year. Local museums will host exhibitions from America’s Clark Art Institute and sculptures from Africa.


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