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Chinese theater troupe rocks Edinburgh

2013-08-22 16:36:31



A highly-anticipated adaptation of Shakespeare’s "Coriolanus" has performed at the Edinburgh International Festival. It’s the first Shakespeare play produced by the Beijing Peoples Art theatre, and its European premiere has created quite a stir.

Shakespeare, heavy metal and Mandarin are not words that one would normally associate with each another.

A highly-anticipated adaptation of Shakespeare’s "Coriolanus" has performed at the Edinburgh International Festival.

But China’s leading stage director Lin Zhaohua has mixed all of these in his experimental version of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Coriolanus. Attracting thousands to the play’s European premiere in Edinburgh.

An audience said, "I’d like something different, something boisterous, energetic and loud. I think.

At a press conference before the show the play’s director Lin Zhaohua praised the forward thinking of the Edinburgh International festival, for bringing the play here.

A highly-anticipated adaptation of Shakespeare’s "Coriolanus" has performed at the Edinburgh International Festival.

Supporters of the show say this is a great chance to showcase Chinese work overseas.

Lady Davies, founder of KT Wong Foundation, said, "China is changing so much so quickly. We in China have so many western groups going over to China. Importing what they do. It is time for China to bring out to show what they can do. And they can compete and do things on many different levels. Basically competing or performing on the same turf.”

The play re-interprets Coriolanus with a unique twist. Performed in Mandarin. Cast include leading Chinese actors - accompanied by two of China’s well known heavy metal bands – Suffocated and Miserable faith.

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