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Plenty of fizz

2013-09-16 10:24:02

(China Daily)


Sodagreen presents Autumn Stories of Beijing to a full house at Starlive in Beijing.


Together for more than a decade, Taiwan rockers Sodagreen can still pull in sell-out crowds. Chen Nan chats to the band members about why their new album focuses on Beijing in fall.

Taiwan pop-rock band Sodagreen has been a unit for more than 10 years, but the musicians still have enough pull to sell out all their concerts. Their latest shows are no exception.

Showcasing their new album, Autumn Stories of Beijing, they are performing six shows in the capital. Instead of playing large venues, the band has chosen to perform at live music venue Starlive, which has a capacity of 1,000 people. All tickets sold out within 10 minutes.

"I really enjoy the sound of our music being overlapped by the fans' screaming and singing," says guitarist Liou Jia-kai.

Lead vocalist Wu Tsing-fong agrees.

"I love the intimate interaction with the fans," he says. "We were so close that the fans can touch my feet."

Like their feverish performance onstage, the six members are animated and talkative offstage. Dressed in white and squeezed together on a long sofa, they talk quickly, joking and laughing with each other. Their interaction is like a can of soda, bubbling and fizzing.

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