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Tango Flames Of Desire

2014-01-27 11:12:24



Venue: National Centre for the Performing Arts - Opera House

Dates: Mar. 01, 2014-Mar. 02, 2014

Price: VIP/500/450/400/350/220/160/100 RMB


Director of Choreography

German Cornejo


German Cornejo & Gisela Galeassi

Sebastian Alvarez & Victoria Saudelli

Gonzalo Cuello & Melody Celatti

Marcos Esteban Roberts & Louise Junqueira Malucelli

Max Van De Voorde & Solange Acosta

The Band - Quarteto Fuego

Bandoneon: Clemente Carrascal

Violin: Estefania Corsini

Piano: Matias Feigin

Contrabass: Facundo Benavidez


Jesus Hidalgo


German Cornejo

Choreographer & Lead Dancer

German Cornejo was born in Zárate, Buenos Aires Province on 31 May 1986.

At the age of 10 he started studying Tango by 15 he obtained a degree from Gatell Conservatory of Dance with the honorable title of Master of Tango. In the following years he broadened his skills by studying classical and contemporary ballet, jazz and acrobatic techniques & qualified as a Master of Choreographic Composition at the National Institute of Arts in Argnetina.

German studied under several teachers however the most important & influential was Nélida Rodriguez, whom he refers to as his 'Artistic Godmother'. She was one of the first ballerinas of the Legendary 'Tango Argentino' and a star who succeeded on Broadway in the 1980s. She imparted to him not only her knowledge of dance but also the yeites. (this word comes from the early 20th century language of Tango known as Lunfardo meaning 'the secrets of the Tango steps').

German won the 'Gold New Talent' prize and the 'Competition of Gold Dance' in the well know TV show 'Susana Gimenez' hosted by the popular Argentine star & broadcast by TELEFE. After seven gold medals obtained in a series of Contests for Youth in Buenos Aires Province, and more than 20 first prizes at national level, German became World Champion of Tango in 2005.

He has performed at many famous Tango houses in Buenos Aires including Mambo, Chiquin Buenos Aires and El Viejo Almacén. German has conducted dance demonstrations at some of the most important milongas in Buenos Aires; La Viruta, Porteno and Bailarín, Parakultural and Confitería Ideal.

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