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Seoul hosts Silk Road photo exhibition

2014-03-26 10:13:13

( By Yang Xin


Guests enjoy the photo exhibition opening.

The exhibition is especially designed for Koreans who have never been to Gansu province. Through the efforts o fthe center and the Gansu Provincial Cultural Bureau jointly held by the Ministry of cooperation activities and can help people learn more about the province’s long history and culture. This photo exhibition is a visual representation of Gansu province’s beautiful scenery and rich culture. The photos will inspire visitors to go to Gansu province as they showcase the province’s beautiful scenery.

The month-long exhibition will serve as an important event for 2014 and for the establishment of the China Culture Center in Seoul and also for China’s Ministry of Culture and Gansu province. The exhibition is hosted by the Cultural Bureau of Gansu province and the China Culture Center in Seoul and co-organized by the Gansu Federation of Literature and Art and the Association of Gansu Photographers and supported by Chinese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.

A female musician plays the zither during the exhibition opening.

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