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Painting exhibition held to celebrate 110th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping‘s birth

2014-08-13 13:32:47

( By Tian Yufeng



The exhibition’s poster

August 22 will mark the 110th birthday of Deng Xiaoping, great proletarian revolutionary and chief architect of China’s reform and opening up and modernization. To mark the great accomplishments achieved by this great man, I’m the Son of Chinese People - A Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Honor of the 110th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s Birth is being held in Beijing New Culture Movement Memorial Hall from Aug 1-17. The exhibition is co-hosted by China Painting and Calligraphy Collector Association, Beijing New Culture Movement Memorial Hall and Henan Forensic Identification of Treasure and Relics.

In Deng’s glorious lifetime, he behaved openly and straightforwardly and spared no effort for China’s revolution. To further promote Deng Xiaoping Theories, the sponsor selected 100 paragraphs and sentences from related works and invited 110 famous painters and calligraphers to write them down to pay tribute to him. These sentences shed the light of wisdom and outlined the course of China’s reform and opening up.

Some famous calligraphers attending this exhibition included Su Shishu, vice chairman of China Calligrapher Association and head of China Painting and Calligraphy Collector Association and Liu Yi and Tong Wei, both consultants of China Calligrapher Association.

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