Violeta Urmana (left) plays the lead role in Cavalleria Rusticana.
Wang Hongyao acquitted herself admirably as Lola, who is Turiddu's old flame and derives much evil pleasure from troubling
Santuzza. She is heard before coming onto the stage and both her voice and her physical charm make the story convincing.
It is a culturally fascinating coincidence that another Chinese singer, Liu Songhu in this case, played the seducer in Pag. But Liu is less believable both physically and vocally. In this opera, Brigitta Kele as Nedda stole the spotlight. She imparted the cruelty of youth and beauty in coloratura flights of fancy and matching physicality.
Gustavo Porta as Canio and Luca Grassi as Tonio had their own moments of glory.
The second cast, which rotated with the first, featured an all-Chinese ensemble of singers - opera stars of the highest caliber China can offer.
I did not have the good fortune to witness their performance but they often deliver pleasant surprises of their own.
Maestro Fabrizio Maria Carminati conducted the NCPA orchestra with passion, and the center's chorus rendered an expressive and nuanced performance.