Id Kah Mosque
( 2005-09-13 )
The Id Kah Mosque, a magnificent Islamic building at the center ofKashgarCity, has a history of more than 500 years. In 1442, Shakesimirzha, the ruler of Kashgar, built the mosque and used it to pray for the souls of his deceased relatives. After undergoing many extensions and repairs throughout the centuries, the mosque has finally taken its present shape and size.
The mosque, 140 meters long from north to south and 120 meters wide from east to west, covers an area of 16,800 square meters and consists of the Hall of Prayer, the Doctrine Teaching Hall, the Gate Tower, a pond, and some other accessory structures.
The gate of the mosque, built of yellow bricks with the joints pointed with gypsum, has distinct lines. On either side of the gate is an 18-meter high round column, of which half is embedded in the wall behind it. A pond with limpid water is a bright mirror enclosed by the green trees, endowing the mosque with a quiet elegance.
The Hall of Prayer is on a high dais in the west end of the mosque. Theroofis held by light blue pillars and all the pillars form a rectangular shape. Around the roof and the pillars are exquisite carvings and beautiful pictures. The brick gate, full of elaborate flower-pattern carvings that are mainly in green, faces the Id Kah Square.
Every day, thousands of worshippers come here to pray, especially on Friday afternoons. On the Corban and Fast-breaking festivals, the two most important Islamic festivals, the Uygur people gather in the square in front of the mosque to celebrate the festivals. At prayer time, the mosque, the square, the streets, and the roads all around are full of piously kneeling Muslims.
Afterwards, all the people get together in the square, and the young men in their holiday-celebrating suits, to show their happiness, dance the Sama Dance with great enthusiasm to the cheerful drumbeats and music, showing no sign of exhaustion.