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Bizaklik Thousand-Buddha Caves
( 2005-09-13 )

TheBizaklik Thousand-Buddha Cavesstand high on the west cliffs of the Mutou Valley under theFlaming Mountain, only 15 kilometers north of theancient Gaochang Cityand 45 kilometers northeast ofTurpanurban area. The Bizaklik Thousand-Buddha Caves have the most grottoes, most diversified architectural styles, and richest mural contents in the Turpan area, and became an important cultural unit protected by the state in 1961.

The oldest caves began construction in the Qushi Gaochang period (449-640), and were called the Ningrong Grottoes in theTang Dynasty(618-907). It was then an important Buddhist gathering place.

The heyday of the caves was under the reign of the Huihu Gaochang (from the Tang Dynasty right up to theYuan Dynasty(1271-1368) in the 13th century) before the kingdom was moved to today'sGansu Provinceof Northwest China, after which, the area's people were converted to Islam and the caves were subject to attack and fell into disrepair. Most of the existing grottoes were extended or reconstructed during the Huihu period and have remained the original style.

Most of the statues and frescos here have either been destroyed by Muslims or by foreign adventurer-explorers. The caves of today are only a glimmer of their previous glory.

Of the 83 existing caves, 57 caves currently remain. The murals cover an area over 1, 200 square meters (12,917 square feet) in more than 40 caves.

Beginning in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the construction experienced the Tang,Five Dynasties, Song (960-1279), and Yuan periods. The Caves had been the Buddhist center of Gaochang. Near the end of the 13th century, the royal family of Gaochang moved to Yongchang, Gansu. Around this same time,Buddhismin Turpan began to decline in popularity with the introduction of Islam. Subsequently, the religious importance of the Bizalkik Thousand-Buddha Caves lessened.

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