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( 2005-09-13 )

Figs, or literally "no-flower fruit" by the Han people, are called Anjir by the Uygurs. It has the pistillate and male flowers hidden in the bag-shaped receptacles. The flowers cannot be seen from outside except the fruit; hence the name.

Figs are rich in nutrition and easily digested. Sugar makes up 70-75 percent of dried figs, which also contain proteinase, hydrolysate, and enzyme (various kinds of nutrition vital to health). The fig preparations can cure vitiligo (a skin disorder).

Xinjiangfigs produced in Artux and Kashi are the most famous, with an oblate shape, yellow skin, and flesh that is fine and soft and as sweet as honey.

Figs produced in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are not subject to plant diseases and insect pests, so no pesticides are needed. As natural fruit, figs are well received by both Chinese and foreign tourists.


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