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Ghost Castles
( 2005-09-13 )

There are many lively shaped models, such as the towering stone mushrooms, stone bamboo shoots, stone pavilions, stone columns, wide streets, narrow lanes and caves cutting down to the rocks, lively shape of birds, animals, fishes, and human bodies. In summer and autumn, usually about seven to eight- grade storms usually blow along the valley, raising the sands, whistling like ghosts and wolves.

At nights, strong wind blows, sand fly about, and stones roll, making frightful and dreaded sounds that will make anyone scared. The native Mongolian people call it "Sulumuhak," while the local Kazakh people name it "Shytirkrsi," and both names have the same meaning -- Ghost Castle.

Beautiful pebbles that can be used as ornaments are found everywhere in the Wuerhe Ghost City; what's more, lucky people can even find the crystal carnelian (a kind of quartz).

In addition, there are two other "ghost castles." One is the Kezil Ghost Castle in Baicheng County, and the other is the Hami Ghost Castle in Hami City.

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