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( 2005-09-13 )

TheXinjiangUygur Autonomous Region of Northwest China is one of the three major producing areas of hops, or Humulus lupulus, in the world. The hop is a twining vine with lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in cone-like spikes. The dried ripe flowers of this plant contain a kind of bitter, aromatic oil.

Hops are used in the brewing industry to prevent bacterial action and add the characteristic bitter taste to beer. The hop is a very important industrial crop in Xinjiang, as hop production in the region accounting for around 70 percent of the national total.

Hops can also be used to make bread and cure diseases. It is diuretic (good for the removal of body waste), stomachic (good for the stomach), and anticancer. It is also effective in treating cardiopathy (heart disease) and various inflammation as well as other sicknesses and diseases.



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