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( 2005-09-13 )

Apocynum, or luobuma in Chinese, is a wild herb grown only in Northwest China'sXinjiangUygur Autonomous Region, mainly along the Tarim Basin and the Peacock River. Its clean and hostile environment helps the plant to grow extra strong and rich.

Apocynum as a traditional herb was already recorded in Chinese medical history over 1,000 years ago as a medicine for reducing hypertension, cholesterol, and dizziness, as well as for serving as an anti-aging and internal cleansing agent. Clinical examinations have confirmed that Apocynum, as a natural and wild herb, has no side effects on the human body.

Apocynum tea uses only the leaves and flowers freshly picked during summer between June and August under the scorching sun in the Tarim Basin by skilled workers. Regular consumption of the tea helps to prevent sickness and diseases and is helpful in building up the body's immune system.

Research and clinical studies have shown that Apocynum tea contains flavonoid, cardiac glycoside, organic acid, amino acid, and many other medical ingredients. The medicinal ingredients in the tea can strengthen the contraction of the cardiac muscle, correct arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), improve the blood circulation, and prevent heart attack and coronary arteriosclerosis (heart disease).

The ingredients can also prevent the gathering of blood platelets, reduce high blood pressure and blood fat, improve cell immunity, soothe the nerves and allay mental stresses, improve memory and postpone aging, and relieve fatigue and asthma, and so on.


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