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Snow Lotus
( 2005-09-13 )

The snow lotus, a specialty and a rare herb produced in Northwest China'sXinjiangUygur Autonomous Region, grows in the crevices in rocks scattered above the snow level on the mountains of Tianshan, Altai, and Kunlun. It is a perennial herb and grows slowly although with strong vitality. Usually, only 5 percent of the seeds can sprout, and the plant requires three years of growth to reach fruition.

Due to the low temperature, the snow does not melt in spring and autumn. Growing in this environment, the property of snow lotus is lukewarm and tastes a little bit bitter. It enhances the Yang, the essence of male energy, and regulates the Ying, the essence of female activity.

The natural pure wild snow lotus flower is an antipyretic (anti-fever) and detoxifying medicine, and is usually used to cure rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to stop aches, enrich the blood, and warm the uterus. It is also good for the kidneys. As a bonus, it can increase the sexual vitality of men and adjust any menstruation difficulties for women.

Currently, more than 60 kinds of medicine, health care products, and cosmetics are made of the plants, using about 20 tons of dry snow lotuses.


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