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Fine Arts
( 2005-09-13 )

In 1981, the first arts institution of Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Academy of Painting, was established. With a professional staff and research departments in Chinese traditional painting, oil painting, and print, a new era of artistic developments in Xinjiang began. At the same time, the Second China Youth Arts Exhibition in 1981, the First China Minorities Painting Exhibition in 1981, the Fourth China Arts Exhibition, the Thirdd "Beautiful Xinjiang" Arts Exhibition and the First Silk Road Study Tour by Chinese artists and various other arts exhibition have all provided a platform for the Xinjiang artists to fully display their talent.

From the late 1980s to the present, the fine arts of Xinjiang have scored many distinguished achievements, thanks to a new generation of enthusiastic and talented artists. Their works have won numerous awards in a variety of arts exhibitions, garnering praise both at home and abroad.

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