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Turpan Region
( 2005-09-13 )

Once an important strategic point on theSilk Road, Turpan has a long-standing history and numerous scenic spots and ancient remains. The Ancient City of Gaochang, the Ancient City of Jiaohe, the Astana Tombs, the Bizaklik Thousand Buddha Caves, the Sulaiman Minaret and the Sugong Tower, the Grape Valley, the Flaming Mountains, and theKarezsystem… All are under the state protection as key relics structures.

Turpan is known as a "land of grapes." The Grape Valley, 15 kilometers to the northeast of the city, is abundant in white seedless grapes, Mare teat grapes, Rose red grapes, and preserved grapes as well as grape wines, thus winning the place acclaim as "the sweetest place."

In Turpan, one can also visit the Karez system. The Karez, an irrigation system of wells connected by underground canals, is considered as one of the three great ancient projects in China, with the other two being theGreat Walland theGrand Canal. It is invented and built by the ancient locals to adapt to the natural environment in the dry region, and by taking advantage of the mountain slopes.

In Xinjiang, the Karez wells are mostly distributed in the Turpan Basin, where, at its peak, there are altogether 1,100-odd Karez wells totaling 5,000 kilometers in length, hence reputed as "the underground canal." It is a very delicate irrigation system composed of four parts: a vertical well, an underground canal, an aboveground canal and, small reservoirs. It is said the longest Karez can be as long as 8 kilometers, and the number of vertical wells can exceed 300.

As the life source of the Turpan area, the Karez is an ingenious creation of the underground irrigation by the ancient people in Xinjiang, which was later exported to the Central Asia countries and Persia (today's Iran) via the ancient Silk Road.

Another interesting place is Wu Daoling, near which there are two sand dunes - the best place for sand therapy. In June and August every year, those from both home and abroad who suffer from arthritis and skin diseases put up small tents on the scorching hot sand dunes to cure their diseases with sand in the area, to take advantage of the sand's exceptional curing effect.

In addition, the Aiding Lake, 60 kilometers away south of the city, being 154.43 meters below sea level, is the lowest place in China and the second-lowest place in the world, next to only the Dead Sea (-391 meters) of Jordan.

The Silk Road & China - Turpan Grape Festival held in August every year centers on trade and economic talks, integrating culture and tourism with internal and external trade, thus attracting more and more foreign and Chinese guests. The town of grapes is moving forward with its brand-new appearance.

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