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Ili Region
( 2005-09-13 )

 Yining -- a city of South China Scenery Beyond theYumen Pass

Yining City is the capital of the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture as well as the location of the Ili Region's administrative agency. It is a city inhabited by multi-ethnic groups, with a population of 342,000. Yining City, located in the central part of the Ili River Valley, is endowed with a beautiful environment and an agreeable climate. It is also known as "a city of South China scenery beyond the Yumen Pass."

Yining City now has the industrial sectors of electric power, building material, woolen textile, leather, farm machinery,papermaking, and cement, and so on. The place is teeming with fertile soil and rich water resources, enjoying developed agriculture, forest, and animal husbandry. Yining City is commonly known as "a land of apple," as its apple output accounts for some 10 percent of Xinjiang's.

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