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Art of Music
( 2005-09-13 )


-- The rawap is a shorter lute, plucked with a horn plectrum. Several different types are played by the Uygurs. The Kashgar rawap, at around 90cm, has a small bowl-shaped body covered with skin and five metal strings, and is decorated with ornamental horns (m?ngüz). The shorter herder's rawap (qoychi rawap), found in the Hotan region, measures around 70 centimeters and is strung with two pairs or three of sheep-gut strings. Both of these types are played by the narrative singers. The Dolan rawap, principal instrument in the Dolan Muqam, with one melodic and several sympathetic strings and pear-shaped body, ressembles the Afghan rubab more closely than the Kashgar rawap. The Qumul rawap is similiar to the Dolan version, and is used in folksongs and the Qumul Muqam. The Kashgar rawap has more recently become a professional virtuoso solo and orchestral instrument with six metal strings tuned do-do-so-re-la-mi. An equivalent bass rawap has also been added to professional orchestras.


-- A smaller dulcimer, plucked with a bone pick held in the left hand, while the right hand presses on the string with abronzekey to produce quartertones and ornaments. The qalun is found more commonly in southern Xinjiang, especially amongst the Dolan. It plays a supporting role in the Muqam.


-- The large hammer dulcimer is used by the professional troupes and found in the folk context. Its metal strings are strung in sets of three across several raised bridges.


-- The metal jaw harp, played mainly by Uygur women up until the 1950s, is now rarely seen.

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