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Baroti Fetsival
( 2005-09-13 )

Tajik believes in Islamism,aand most of their festivals are related to the religion. The traditional Baroti Festival is one of them.

Also called theLantern Festival, it is held on the first two days of August according to Islamic calendar. One month before the beginning of Ramadan, the Tajik people celebrate their 2-day Lantern Festival.

On the two days, every family makes a special kind oflanternscoated with butter. Its wick is made of a kind of grass called "Kawuri",wrap it with cotton and tie it in a torch shape, then put in butter or sheep fat.When evening comes, the whole family will sit together, forming a circle around the lantern.

The host will call each member's name by the order of age. Everyone should respond to the call and light one small lantern which is put in front of him. When all the lights are on, people should touch the flame by his hand, then do the prayer. Then people will enjoy the banquet which is prepared by the hostess.

At night, every household willlight another lantern, a big one tied to a long pole, and hang it under theroof; it is called Celestial Lantern. Men and women, young and old, sings and dances through the night under the bright light of the torches.


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