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Girl Chase
( 2005-09-13 )

Girl chase is a traditional sports game and entertainment popular among young Kazak people. It is also a unique occasion for them to express mutual admiration and love.

According to legend, long ago there were two Kazak tribal chiefs who were going to become related by the marriage of their children. The groom's father asked his son to ride a swift horse to welcome the bride, while the bride's father also asked her to ride a fast horse to chase the groom. The bride's father said that if the groom could not catch up with his daughter, the wedding date would be changed. The groom did overtake the bride, who then asked him to ride ahead of her so she could chase him. So, instead of the groom chasing the bride he was chased.

The game begins with pairs of young people riding out leisurely shoulder to shoulder from a starting point to a designated goal. Along the way the man expresses his love and admiration for the girl, or just teases her; and the girl, whether she likes him or not, is not allowed to show any offense. Then when they reach the goal and turn around to ride back to the starting point, the young man will turn his horse swiftly around with the girl chasing relentlessly from behind.

If the young woman did not mind the young man's verbal advances and feels the same about him as he feels about her and does not want the spectators to know her true feelings about the young mad, she will whirl her whip over his head, touching him lightly. But if the young woman shares no common feelings with the young man she will actually whip him as she overtakes him on horseback amidst the roaring laughter of the spectators. However, all that "horseplay" will not harm their friendship.

Most of the participants in the game are young and it is not only a game for them to express their admiration and love, but also to exhibit horsemanship. Now, "girl chase" has grown into an interesting mass sport.


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