Theatrical Performances  

1. Opening Ceremony Performances

On the 18th night of August, “Auspicious Prairie, Blissful Asia---the Opening Ceremony of the 11th Asia Arts Festival” will be held in the Performance Square of Dongsheng District, which will be assisted by the Foreign Liaison Bureau of Ministry of Culture, China Arts & Entertainment Group, the Culture Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Ordos City. It will be a high-level performance reflecting features of Asia, China and Inner Mongolia.

2. Closing Ceremony Performances

On the 26th night of August, “Charming Ordos----the Closing Ceremony of the 11th Asia Arts Festival” will be held in Ordos Grand Theatre, which will mainly present the rich minority culture of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Ordos City and highlight Ordos’s open, innovative and scientific development

3. Art Troupe

Starting from June before the festival, about 10 high-level art troupes from home and abroad will gather in Ordos to give performances. Around 15-member art troupes from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bengal, Bhutan,Brunei, Cambodia, the DPRK, East Timor, India,Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Burma, Nepal, Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam will also participate in the festival from15th to 26th. They will together give their performances in 6 theatres including Ordos Grand Theatre, Ordos Theatre and Ordos Entertainment Centre, and 12 performance squares in Dongsheng, Genghis Khan Tomb Tourist Resort, Yijinhuoluo Banner etc. These troupes will also go to Huhhot, Baotou, Bayannao’er and Wuhai to give performances.

4. Along-street Performance

The performers from home and abroad and the Wulanmuqi Troupe will perform along the street, combined by the fancy car parade, which will bring the festival closer to the citizens who will greatly benefit from it.

5. Asia Tour Performance of Wulanmuqi Troupe

After the festival, outstanding performers of the Ordos Wulanmuqi Troupe and those from Inner Mongolia will go to other Asian countries to perform so as to acknowledge their support on the festival, which will at the same time further propagate Ordos city.

6. Special Local Festivals in all Banners Affiliated to Ordos To enable the local people enjoy this brilliant festival and to enhance the Festival, all kinds of cultural activities will also be held in those banners of Ordos city.

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