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Ancient tomb unearthed in North China

2014-06-20 09:24:54



An ancient tomb dating back 1,500 years ago has been unearthed in north China's Shanxi Province, offering researchers valuable material relating to the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-557).

The tomb was excavated in the downtown city of Datong, the dynasty's ancient capital, also the center for politics, economy, military and culture during that period.

Items found include painted potteries. Among them are yurt models with carts and servants crafted on the side, which are typical of the dynasty.

The colors of the objects have been preserved due to the oxygen-free and humid underground environment.

The well preserved state of the tomb provides valuable information about the lifestyle during the Northern Wei Dynasty, said researchers.

Excavation is ongoing, according to Datong Institute of Archaeology. Thus far, no records about the owner of the tomb have been discovered.

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