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Tan moves up a gear to play heavy metal and spinning wheels


"I see the Silk Road that Marco Polo traveled along to China as very open and inspirational, just like a caterpillar spinning its cocoon - no matter how long you pull the silk, the thread never breaks," he says.

"Secondly, as a composer, I always retreat to my own secret land, that inner creative source that I revisit from time to time, from piece to piece. There are always different technical and spiritual inventions in my secret land."

This haunting music will be played during Audi Summer Music Week by a new youth orchestra, made up of students from China's leading music schools. The creation of the orchestra is the other major goal that the Music Week aims to achieve.

"We consider it a long-term project to develop young musicians," he continues.

"The development of music depends on contributions of musicians generation by generation. From my own experience, young people need opportunities, supports and mentors. We will organize this youth orchestra and hope to make it a platform for them to realize their dreams."

Tan says Audi Summer Music Week will naturally source most of the orchestra from the Youth Orchestra of China Central Conservatory of Music. Thereafter, auditions will be held around the world and the world's finest conductors will be invited to appear as guests and give master classes.

"I am excited to accept Audi's commission because I am willing to work with young and dynamic people so we can make innovative music together," Tan says.

"My ambition is to make it one of the best youth orchestras in the world in three years - and make the musicians as much heroes among China's youth as pop stars."

By Chen Jie

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