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Goings-on in China: Who Are the World’s Worst Tourists?


Who Are the World’s Worst Tourists?(Photo/Xu Xinlei)

Commercial websites and newspapers joined the chorus of critical and analytical debates about national image projected by outbound tourists. The survey results also sparked a heated discussion on Twitter-like website Weibo, where users expressed mixed views about the results.

User千堆雪啊 seemed to consider the results justifiable:#America and China Top the World’s Worst Tourists List#”what a surprise. I thought we Chinese could secure the No 1 position with ease.

User猪武穆 made an interesting analogy:”#America and China Top the World’s Worst Tourists List#” The results are proportional to their economic strength. China will surely seize the first place one day.

Some sought to make a penetrating analysis of the root causes of Chinese tourists’ bad image.

User炎墨 wrote: #America and China Top the World’s Worst Tourists List#” When we are travelling abroad, we represent the qualities of our nation. In many cases, we have to reflect on our own behaviors.

User Lemon_豆钉健: #World’s Worst Tourists# We have successfully improved our economic performance and our living standards, but failed to refine our national quality. Really a pity.

In addition, some suspected the credibility of the survey and took it as an innocuous joke.

User崔成CC wrote: #America and China Top the World’s Worst Tourists List#” Admittedly, there is much to be desired with our national quality. But some foreign visitors are not that good. Just look at what they do without scruple in public places.

User Kings_World wrote: #America and China Top the World’s Worst Tourists List#”I learned of the topic this morning and asked my husband which country he thought was with the worst tourists. He said China, the U.S., Japan and France. Then he told me that I had to check the World’s Best Tourists and the various lists must include the U.S., Japan and China. I googled, it was true!

By Xu Xinlei

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