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Supporting Role of Chinese Film


In view of this situation, the Chinese government may be able to learn from the US experience and develop a loan guarantee scheme for small film projects to obtain loans with distribution agreements as collateral. This would not only be conducive to the prosperity and diversification of the domestic film market and the cultivation of film talents, but also the promotion of Chinese films overseas as film companies will spare no efforts to gain overseas distribution contracts in order to get loans.

In order to give full play to the role of the Hollywood in stimulating employment, promoting economic development and spreading American culture and values to the world, the US government has put forward many preferential policies to support the industry.

Even more noteworthy, many US government agencies serve Hollywood film projects hand and foot. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and many other government agencies are equipped with officials in charge of liaising with Hollywood and providing support such as script consultation, equipment and personnel. Most local governments have also set up film agencies to promote and support filming in their areas.

These measures are undoubtedly of great benefit to film production in the US, enhancing quality and improving its competitiveness in the world market.

Compared with Hollywood, China's film industry has to bear a heavier tax burden. Although the government provides certain preferential tax policies, these only cover some State-owned companies, newly-opened cinemas and rural film companies. Corporate income tax for ordinary film companies is as high as 25 percent, their box office earnings are taxed 3 percent and they have to pay 5 percent to the Film Fund.

China also lacks clear norms and guidelines for film production companies to apply to use public facilities and services.

The Chinese government should learn from the American experience and use tax and services to promote the development of China's film industry.

Film exports usually face many obstacles, such as quota systems imposed to protect national film industries. In order to help the overseas expansion of Hollywood films, the US government has been employing various legal and diplomatic tactics and international cooperation.

In concluding international trade treaties, the US often takes advantage of its economic and technical strength to exert pressure on other countries to import Hollywood movies trussed up with capital and technology.

China has established diplomatic relations with 172 countries, and has a broad consulate network, if these are given full play to help Chinese film companies collect overseas market information and organize film exchanges, they are bound to promote exports of Chinese films.

If major domestic film companies can jointly set up an organization similar to the Motion Picture Export Association of America to help Chinese companies explore overseas markets and cooperate with foreign governments to combat copyright violations, it will be of great advantage to the "going out" of Chinese film.

The author is a researcher with the Film Academy of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Source: China Daily

Editor: Liu Fang

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