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Events of Croisements Festival 2013- Theater

2013-05-30 11:28:36



A room in the city from the Comedy of Valence

A room in the city is a romantic encounter in a non-theatrical space, texts (French and foreign authors), actors, and the audience. Initiated in 2011 at the first festival de théâtre Ambivalence(s) (theater festival of Ambivalences) in France, the project has since evolved and is composed of a repertoire of room theater. An experience to discover or rediscover. Theater that questions the profound place of the audience and the actor. A room in the city is a theatrical innovation presented for the first time in China, and to be accessible to everyone, it will be presented in three languages. Marie Nimier & Sheng Keyi just wrote two new texts for the Chinese premiere.

BEIJING June 14th 、16th Kempinski Hotel

The night just before the forest : bursts

A lone man on stage telling his troubles, prompted by alcohol and loneliness. The text is repeated, varied, amplified, distorted, jerky in rhythm, rendering an extraordinary power and flexibility of dialogue with oneself. La nuit juste avant les forêts exposes the man to his own questions, which, when shared with others remain misunderstood. French actor Cyril Dubreuil, performs Bernard-Marie Koltès' play in Chinese. The actor's performance, expressing himself in the local language, adds a beautiful aspect of introspection that echos the feelings any foreigner may have when immersed in a culture that isn't their own.

CHENGDU April 24th 、25th Sichuan People Theater

HANGZHOU April 27th 、28th Hangzhou Library

SHANGHAI April 30th 、May 1st Ke Art Center

ZHUHAI May 2nd 、3rd V12 Theater of Zhuhai

GUANGZHOU May 4th 、5th Theater nº13

WUHAN May 6th Jianghan University 、May 9th Wuhan University

WUZHEN May 11th 、12th Wuzhen Theater

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