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Terraces cultivate global recognition

2013-06-24 10:37:01

(China Daily) By Zhang Zixuan


The water from brooks, springs and rain is collected by the forests and distributed to the fields through a gravitational system of ditches, canals and bamboo pipes.

Artesian wells in the villages provide drinking water.

"The integrated four-element system plays the wetlands' role. It conserves moisture and soil, adjusts the climate and sustains biodiversity," says Xiong Zhengyi, director of the Yunnan cultural heritage bureau.

He adds that the terraces withstood the severe drought that has parched Yunnan for three years.

China began preparing the World Heritage application and domestic designations in 2000 to protect the world wonder.

In 2007, the local government and application office determined technical standards to be followed within all the villages to control development and construction.

Some abandoned terraces outside the nominated area and buffer zone have been recovered.

Improvements have been made to local living standards. For instance, livestock have been centralized, rather than dwelling in houses.

A monitoring center has been running for a year to study more than 10 ecological dimensions, such as forests and climate. The center has helped blunt the threat from alien species, such as the South American crayfish, which invaded the fields three years ago.

Red rice contains up to 18 amino acids and is being sold outside the Ailao Mountains. More than 90 trademarks have been registered to protect intellectual property rights.

The local government is working with Tsinghua University's School of Architecture to develop guidelines for construction that maintain the mushroom houses' extrinsic characteristics with improved interior functions.

In accordance with local people's wishes, the government will subsidize the houses' construction but allow residents to build them according to the guidelines. Three houses have been built in this way, and more are planned.

This May, the State Council designated the property as a State Priority Protected Site.

From October, only electric vehicles will be allowed to drive in the area.

"The Honghe Hani Rice Terraces' protection must receive all stakeholders' support," says State Administration of Cultural Heritage deputy director Tong Mingkang.

The government will offer farmers subsidies to encourage them to continue cultivating the paddies. Otherwise, it is feared nearly all locals might abandon them to work in the tourism industry.

More detailed and sustainable eco-tourism strategies are being developed to alleviate increased tourism's pressure.

Farmer Li Yousheng, from Yuanyang county's Dayutang village, says he now understands better than ever why protecting the terraces is important.

"The World Cultural Heritage designation shows the magnitude of our guardianship of the Hani lifeblood," the 53-year-old says.

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