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Arts and crafts

2013-07-12 15:58:30

(Discover Taiwan)



Traditional kites in Taiwan are made of narrow bamboo strips and cotton paper, which is light, easy to paint, and not so easily damaged as paper made from wood pulp. Today's kites are mostly made of plastic or nylon and are durable even in rain. In terms of style, there are regular flat kites and sculptural kites in the shapes of dragons, centipedes, and other fanciful figures.


A diabolo is a juggling prop whirled and tossed on a string connected to two sticks, one held in each hand. As the diabolo accelerates, it issues a low humming sound. Experienced performers can simultaneously spin multiple diabolos and send them high through the air. Diabolos are also incorporated into dances and other riveting performances.


Calligraphy is the most appreciated form of all Chinese arts. Some say it embodies the essence of Chinese culture.

Calligraphy comes in many styles. The characters may be carefully and neatly written, or described with flourish. The characters may also be presented to emphasize their meaning. A work of calligraphy evokes a different response from each viewer. Calligraphy is said to bring peace of mind and inner tranquility, elevate one spiritually, and promote the ability to observe and make judgments. It is also said to enhance perseverance and willpower.

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