South Korean ambassador to China H.E.Mr. Kwon Youngse speaks at Korean Night of Culture in Beijing on November 7. [Photochinaculture.org]
“Discovery Korea—Korean Night of Culture” was held in Beijing in Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel on November 7. According to South Korean ambassador to China H.E.Mr. Kwon Youngse, China and South Korea share many similarities in culture and therefore can work together in politics, economics and culture. With the establishment of the Korea and China Cultural Exchange Committee, the cultural communication and exchange between the two countries will only improve in the future.
The event included an exhibition of Korean food, traditional music performances and a fashion show. The music performances combined South Korean folk music with pop music, and brought the house down with a rendition of the famous “Gangnam Style” hit song. The fashion show displayed unique designs with elements of Korean calligraphy and wall paintings, and impressed audiences with its ideas on harmony and roots.