The seminar “Translation and communication on Chinese culture” take place in Beijing, May 16 - 19. [Photo by Liu Fang/chinaculture.org]
In order to promote the Chinese language and speed up translation capability in the country, the seminar “Translation and communication on Chinese culture” take place in Beijing, May 16 - 19.
This seminar will be the country’s biggest and most comprehensive gathering ever in the field of Chinese language and translation. More than one hundred experts, scholars and translators of over 40 languages have been invited from both home and abroad, to give lectures and engage in discussions.
About 400 trainees from 40 government departments, universities and social agencies will be divided into 20 groups based on their language major, to research on translations between Chinese and foreign languages, on culture sectors and specialized skill training.
The seminar is co-sponsored by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations under China's Culture Ministry, the Translators Association of China and Beijing Language and Culture University, who will work on translator training by providing specialized information from two magazines and from the seminar’s official website.
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