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Culture Sections of Chinese Embassies in Europe

Updated: 2007-12-18 09:35:15

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Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Austria

Tel: 00431-714314926

Fax: 00431-714314926

Address: 1030 Wien, Metternichgasse4, Osterreich/Austria


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Belgium

Tel: 0032-2-6633005



Fax: 0032-2-7702326

Address: Boulevard du Souverain 400 1160 Bruxelles, Belgique


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Denmark

Tel: 0045-39460879

Fax: 0045-39460880

Address: Ahlmanns Alle 22, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen, Denmark


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Finland

Tel: 00358-9-22890127

Fax: 00358-9-22890128

Address: Vanha Kelkkamaki 11, FIN-00570 Helsinki, Finland


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in France

Tel: 0033-1-53922800

Fax: 0033-1-45252338

Address: 19-21, Rue Van Loo 75016 Paris France

Cultural Center of the PR. China in Paris (Centre Culturel de Chine à Paris)

Tel: 0033-1-53595920

Fax: 0033-1-53595929

Address: Centre Culturel de Chine à Paris I Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg 75007 Paris France


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Germany

Tel: 0049-30-27588249

Fax: 0049-30-27588468

Address: Maerkisches Ufer 54. 10179 Berlin Germany Germany


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Greece

Tel: 0030-1-6723282

Fax: 0030-1-6723819

Address: 2A Krinon Street, Palaio Psychico Athens, 15452, Greece


Cuture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Italy

Tel: 0039-06-5916996

Fax: 0039-06-5910929

Address: VIA Nepal, 30 00144 Roma, Italia


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in the Netherlands

Tel: 0031-70-3551515

Fax: 0031-70-3551651

Address: Adriaan Goekooplaan 7, 2517 Jx Den Haag, The Kingdom of the Netherlands


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Norway

Tel: 0047-22-148741

Fax: 0047-22-148741

Address: Tuengen Alle 2B, 0244 Oslo Norway


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Portugal

Tel: 00351-21-3928438

Fax: 00351-21-3975632

Address: Ruades. Caetano, 2(A Lapa) 1200-Lisboa, Portugal


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Spain

Tel: 0034-91-3000941

Fax: 0034-91-3001081

Address: C/Cascanueces,21 28043 Makrid Espana(Spain)


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Sweden

Tel: 00468-7652695

Fax: 00468-7652645

Address: Ringvagen 48,181 34 Lidingo Stockholm Sweden


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Switzerland

Tel: 004131-031-3515640

Fax: 004131-031-3514573

Address: Kalcheggweg 10 3006 Berne Swisse


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in the U.K.

Tel: 0044-207-4318279

Fax: 0044-207-4318810

Address: 11 West Heath Road Hampstead London NW3 7UX


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Ukraine

Tel: 0038044-2249491

Fax: 0038044-2302622

Address: 32, Grushevskogo Str., Kiev, 252021


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Belarus

Tel: 00375-17-2224500

Fax: 00375-17-2853681

Address: Li Zhi Str. Berestuanskya 22, 220071, Minsk, Belarus


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Bulgaria

Tel: 00359-2-9733894

Fax: 00359-2-9711081

Address: 1113 Sofia Buulgaria 7 Anri Barbjus St.Sofia Bulgaria

Serbia and Montenegro

Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Yugoslavia

Tel: 0038111-3692684

Fax: 0038111-3692684

Address: Nr Kine Tresnjin Cvet 3 11070 Novi Beograd Yugoslavia


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Czech

Tel: 004202-24315679

Fax: 004202-24315679

Address: Pelleova 22 16000 Praha 6-Bubenec, The Czech Republic


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel: 007-3272-639295

Fax: 007-3272-638209

Address: P.R.China 480091 Alma-Ata, St. Furmanova 137 Republic of Kazakhstan


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Hungary

Tel: 0036-1-3225073

Fax: 0036-1-3229067

Address: H-1068 Budapest, Benczuru.17, Hungary

23. Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Poland

Tel: 0048-22-8313869

Fax: 0048-22-6354211

Address: 00-203 Warsaw UL. Bonifraterska 1 Poland


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Romania

Tel: 0040-21-2329670

Fax: 0040-21-2330684、2329670

Address: Sos. Nordului 2, Bucharest Romania


Culture Section, Embassy of the PR. China in Russia

Tel: 007-095-9382024

Fax: 007-095-9382182

Address: Moscow, ST. Druzhby, 6 Russia



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