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Henan Museum

Updated: 2008-01-18 18:00:39

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As the provincial museum of the cradle ofChina's civilization, the Henan Museum provides a great opportunity for viewers to grasp the basic understanding of China's culture and history. Founded in Kaifeng City in 1927, the Museum was then named Henan Provincial Museum. It moved to Jinshui Road in the provincial city of Zhenzhou in 1961.

In 1991, the museum was moved again to a new site --Nongye Road of Zhenzhou, and later, after the consolidation with the Stone-CarvingArt Museumin 1997, its name was changed into the new Henan Museum.

The Henan Museum boasts a collection of artifacts discovered throughout the province, including a particularly good collection of Shang Dynasty (17thcentury BC-11thcentury BC) relics. The Museum also house Buddhist statues, jade carvings and ceramics.

There are seven permanent exhibitions here. Of particular interest are the Bronze Ware Hall and the Jade Ware Hall. An Audio Tour Guide is available in Chinese, Japanese and English and interactive video shows and computer consultancy services are also available. The Museum also organizes regular exchange programs with foreign and domestic museums.

There is also a permanent exhibition here on the February 7threvolt in 1923 -- a strike by workers building the railway from Wuhan to Beijing that was brutally suppressed.

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