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Language Corner

Updated: 2012-12-10 16:41
Source:China Today


要是⋯means“if⋯”,“in the case of⋯” and 的话 can sometimes be omitted.

For example:


Yàoshi fángzi héshì dehuà, wǒmen jiù kěyǐ qiān hétong le.

If the place is suitable, we can sign a contract.

Exercise: make sentences with 要是.

For example

去晚了 买不到票

qù wǎnle mǎibúdào piào

Arrive late cannot buy ticket


Yàoshì qù wǎnle, jiù mǎibúdào piào le.

If we go late we won’t be able to buy a ticket.

1. 太远 开车去

tàiyuǎn kāichē qù

Too far away drive

2. 天气不冷 我们 一起 去 海边

Tiānqì bùlěng wǒmen yìqǐ qù hǎibiān

It is not cold we together go to the seaside

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