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Updated: 2017-05-09 17:34:49

( Chinaculture.org )

2月18日,欢乐春节--渥太华(北美洲)首届冰上龙舟节在 Dow's Lake 成功举行。中国驻加拿大使馆王文天代办、加拿大联邦文化遗产部部长、环境部部长、渥太华市长、众多议员参赛,驻加使馆与加外交部组成Polar Pandas联队参赛。[摄影:陈勇卫]

The First Ice Dragon Boat Festival was held on February 18, 2017, to celebrate the Chinese New Year, as well as the 150th anniversary of Canada. Wang Wentian, charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Canada, MélanieJoly, minister of Canadian Heritage, and officials and guests participated in the game. The Chinese Embassy and Canadian Foreign Ministry also formed a united team called Polar Pandas. [Photo by Chen Yongwei]

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